Caratteristiche del prodotto:
Il BC15 BUGERA è la scelta ideale per i chitarristi che cercano autentico suono valvolare in un amplificatore combo. Dal suo stile vintage che richiama la età d'oro della progettazione delle valvole, al suo preamplificatore dual-channel con valvola 12AX7, niente parla retrò come il BC15. Aggiungete a questo un controllo di volume, un 2-band EQ con switch MID-SHIFT, e questa piccola macchina del tempo trasporterà il vostro suono verso la terra della beatitudine.
15-Watt Vintage Guitar Amp with 12AX7 Preamp Valve
The BUGERA BC15 delivers real valve tone in a compact, 12-pound (5.6 kg) combo. This dual-channel 15-Watt guitar amp features a 12AX7 valve in its preamp stage, a Master volume and 2-band EQ, giving it a wide range of tonal options. The Gain button is provided to activate the Lead/Distortion channel.
Ideal for use in rehearsals, recording or small gigs, the BC15 sports a custom-designed 8″ BUGERA speaker. A 1/4″ TRS jack is provided for connecting an external playback device such as a CD player, tape deck or MP3 player, allowing the user to play along with pre-recorded songs. The BC15 also features a headphone jack for private practice sessions.
15-Watt Vintage Guitar Amp with 12AX7 Preamp Valve
The BUGERA BC15 delivers real valve tone in a compact, 12-pound (5.6 kg) combo. This dual-channel 15-Watt guitar amp features a 12AX7 valve in its preamp stage, a Master volume and 2-band EQ, giving it a wide range of tonal options. The Gain button is provided to activate the Lead/Distortion channel.
Ideal for use in rehearsals, recording or small gigs, the BC15 sports a custom-designed 8″ BUGERA speaker. A 1/4″ TRS jack is provided for connecting an external playback device such as a CD player, tape deck or MP3 player, allowing the user to play along with pre-recorded songs. The BC15 also features a headphone jack for private practice sessions.



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