Caratteristiche del prodotto:
Ultra-low noise ULN design, highest possible headroom, ultra-transparent audio
8 new state-of-the-art, studio-grade IMP "Invisible" Mic Preamps with:
- 130 dB dynamic range for 24-bit, 192 kHz sampling rate inputs
- Ultra-wide 60 dB gain range
Integrated 24-bit digital stereo FX processor with 100 awesome presets including reverb, chorus, flanger, delay, pitch shifter and various multi-effects
Effective, extremely musical 2-band EQ and Clip LED on all channels
4 balanced high-headroom line inputs
State-of-the-art 4580 operational amplifiers provide lowest noise and distortion—better than 4560 op amps
2 aux sends per channel: 1 pre fader for monitoring applications, 1 post fader for internal FX or as external send
CD/tape inputs assignable to main mix or control room/phones outputs
Separate control room, phones and stereo CD/tape outputs
Balanced main mix outputs with gold-plated XLR connectors
Switchable +48 V phantom power for condenser microphones
Long-wearing 60 mm logarithmic-taper faders and sealed rotary controls
Internal switch-mode power supply for maximum flexibility (100 – 240 V~), noise-free audio, superior transient response plus lowest possible power consumption for energy saving
8 new state-of-the-art, studio-grade IMP "Invisible" Mic Preamps with:
- 130 dB dynamic range for 24-bit, 192 kHz sampling rate inputs
- Ultra-wide 60 dB gain range
Integrated 24-bit digital stereo FX processor with 100 awesome presets including reverb, chorus, flanger, delay, pitch shifter and various multi-effects
Effective, extremely musical 2-band EQ and Clip LED on all channels
4 balanced high-headroom line inputs
State-of-the-art 4580 operational amplifiers provide lowest noise and distortion—better than 4560 op amps
2 aux sends per channel: 1 pre fader for monitoring applications, 1 post fader for internal FX or as external send
CD/tape inputs assignable to main mix or control room/phones outputs
Separate control room, phones and stereo CD/tape outputs
Balanced main mix outputs with gold-plated XLR connectors
Switchable +48 V phantom power for condenser microphones
Long-wearing 60 mm logarithmic-taper faders and sealed rotary controls
Internal switch-mode power supply for maximum flexibility (100 – 240 V~), noise-free audio, superior transient response plus lowest possible power consumption for energy saving



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