Caratteristiche del prodotto:
iNUKE NU1000
Ultra-Lightweight, High-Density 1000-Watt Power Amplifier
* Delivers 2 x 500 Watts into 2 Ohms; 2 x 300 Watts into 4 Ohms; 1000 Watts into 4 Ohms (bridge mode) and weighs less than 7 lbs / 3.3 kg
* Ultimate reliability through revolutionary cool-running High-Density Class-D technology with "near-zero" thermal buildup
* Ultra-efficient switch-mode power supply for noise-free audio, superior transient response and low power consumption
* "Zero-Attack" limiters offer maximum output level with reliable overload protection
* Built-in Subwoofer/Satellite crossover for perfect subwoofer operation
* Detented and illuminated gain controls for precise level setting
* Precise 4-segment Signal and Limit LEDs to monitor performance
* XLR and 1/4'' TRS combination input connectors for compatibility with any source
* Professional twist-lock speaker connectors for ultimate reliability
* Independent DC, LF and thermal overload protection on each channel automatically protects amplifier and speakers without shutting down the show
* “Back-to-front” ventilation system prevents thermal buildup for reliable operation
* High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
* Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Ultra-Lightweight, High-Density 1000-Watt Power Amplifier
* Delivers 2 x 500 Watts into 2 Ohms; 2 x 300 Watts into 4 Ohms; 1000 Watts into 4 Ohms (bridge mode) and weighs less than 7 lbs / 3.3 kg
* Ultimate reliability through revolutionary cool-running High-Density Class-D technology with "near-zero" thermal buildup
* Ultra-efficient switch-mode power supply for noise-free audio, superior transient response and low power consumption
* "Zero-Attack" limiters offer maximum output level with reliable overload protection
* Built-in Subwoofer/Satellite crossover for perfect subwoofer operation
* Detented and illuminated gain controls for precise level setting
* Precise 4-segment Signal and Limit LEDs to monitor performance
* XLR and 1/4'' TRS combination input connectors for compatibility with any source
* Professional twist-lock speaker connectors for ultimate reliability
* Independent DC, LF and thermal overload protection on each channel automatically protects amplifier and speakers without shutting down the show
* “Back-to-front” ventilation system prevents thermal buildup for reliable operation
* High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
* Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany



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