Caratteristiche del prodotto:
-way active studio monitors ideally suited for computer studios, audio and multimedia workstations and keyboard monitoring
Built-in 2 x 10-Watt powerful amplifiers with immense headroom
Powerful woofers and high-resolution tweeters provide an ultra-linear frequency response
Ultra-high resolution 24-bit/192 kHz D/A converters for an incredible dynamic range
Optical and coaxial inputs to directly connect digital audio sources by S/PDIF interface
Two stereo analog inputs featuring ?' TRS and stereo RCA connectors can be used simultaneously or mixed with a digital stereo source
Individual volume controls for both Line inputs plus Bass and Treble EQ controls
¼' TRS headphone connector with auto-mute loudspeaker function easily accessible on the front panel
Magnetically shielded for placement near computer monitors
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Built-in 2 x 10-Watt powerful amplifiers with immense headroom
Powerful woofers and high-resolution tweeters provide an ultra-linear frequency response
Ultra-high resolution 24-bit/192 kHz D/A converters for an incredible dynamic range
Optical and coaxial inputs to directly connect digital audio sources by S/PDIF interface
Two stereo analog inputs featuring ?' TRS and stereo RCA connectors can be used simultaneously or mixed with a digital stereo source
Individual volume controls for both Line inputs plus Bass and Treble EQ controls
¼' TRS headphone connector with auto-mute loudspeaker function easily accessible on the front panel
Magnetically shielded for placement near computer monitors
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life



I prezzi sono da intendersi IVA inclusa e spese di spedizione escluse. Per conoscere le spese di spedizione inserire il prodotto nel carrello. Le immagini e i video sono da intendersi puramente indicativi. non è responsabile delle possibili discrepanze: fa fede solamente la descrizione scritta. Il prezzo del prodotto è valido solo per l'acquisto on-line.
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