Caratteristiche del prodotto:
The ultimate Filter Modeler that delivers the whole history from funky auto-wah, twin, band-pass to swirling low-pass filter effects—at the touch of a footswitch
Real Sound Modeling (RSM) combines state-of-the-art DSP technology with sophisticated algorithms to emulate real acoustic environments
Discover the world of moving filters and take off with sounds you have never heard before
Dedicated Peak, Range, Sensitivity, Filter and Polarity controls for awesome sound shaping
Blue status LED for effect on/off and battery check
Runs on 9 V battery or the BEHRINGER PSU-SB DC power supply (not included)
First-class electronic On/Off switch for highest signal integrity in bypass mode
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Real Sound Modeling (RSM) combines state-of-the-art DSP technology with sophisticated algorithms to emulate real acoustic environments
Discover the world of moving filters and take off with sounds you have never heard before
Dedicated Peak, Range, Sensitivity, Filter and Polarity controls for awesome sound shaping
Blue status LED for effect on/off and battery check
Runs on 9 V battery or the BEHRINGER PSU-SB DC power supply (not included)
First-class electronic On/Off switch for highest signal integrity in bypass mode
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany



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