Caratteristiche del prodotto:
Powerful 90-Watt, 2-channel stereo amplifier for acoustic instruments and vocals
2 original 8" BUGERA™ dual-cone speakers for ultimate sound reproduction
2 integrated, 24-bit digital FX processors each with 16 awesome effects programs including reverb, modulation, delay, and various effects combinations
Revolutionary FBQ Feedback Detection System instantly reveals critical frequencies
2 dedicated instrument and microphone channels with separate Gain and FX controls
Individual 7-band graphic EQ on each channel for awesome sound shaping
Dedicated Tuner switch per channel for use with external tuner such as
BEHRINGER TU100, BTR2000, etc.
Switchable Phase correction on Channel 1 for feedback prevention
Instrument and mic FX Inserts for external effects devices (stomp boxes, rack
effects, etc.)
CD input allows you to play along to your favorite music
Balanced stereo XLR Line Out with Ground Lift switch for direct connection to your mixing console
Dual footswitch FS112 for FX 1 & 2 bypass included
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
2 original 8" BUGERA™ dual-cone speakers for ultimate sound reproduction
2 integrated, 24-bit digital FX processors each with 16 awesome effects programs including reverb, modulation, delay, and various effects combinations
Revolutionary FBQ Feedback Detection System instantly reveals critical frequencies
2 dedicated instrument and microphone channels with separate Gain and FX controls
Individual 7-band graphic EQ on each channel for awesome sound shaping
Dedicated Tuner switch per channel for use with external tuner such as
BEHRINGER TU100, BTR2000, etc.
Switchable Phase correction on Channel 1 for feedback prevention
Instrument and mic FX Inserts for external effects devices (stomp boxes, rack
effects, etc.)
CD input allows you to play along to your favorite music
Balanced stereo XLR Line Out with Ground Lift switch for direct connection to your mixing console
Dual footswitch FS112 for FX 1 & 2 bypass included
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany



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